We drive success by matching our strategic and operational resources, network and areas of expertise with our investment themes.
Avtar’s initial focus will be control investments in healthcare—broadly defined given the breadth of this sector—but we are open to investing opportunistically in virtually any industry. We believe in matching our value proposition to areas where we can significantly increase the odds of success. It can be as simple as opening customer doors or as complicated as helping to rewrite the strategic direction of the company. In all situations, we bring the resources to bear to ensure all parties involved reach their goals.

A laser focus on alignment of the long term vision for the business.
We are not financial engineers but are operators who look for businesses with underlying core assets or strengths, which many times are underappreciated or underutilized, where management has the vision to change the way things are done. In other words, just because something is done a certain way for a long time doesn’t mean it is the right or most efficient way to do it. We like disruptive thinking, and we look to bring new technology or innovative approaches to old processes. While our primary focus area will be healthcare, we will consider opportunistic situations where we feel there is a disruptive business model.
Fundamental criteria.
Since Avtar has permanent capital, we are not constrained by fund life, short term valuation concerns or overly prescriptive investment criteria. We generally focus on control-oriented investments where we initially invest $15 million to $100 million per deal, yet, again, our investment criteria are based more on people and ideas than any algorithm or set formula so we can go above or below this range in the right situation. We are focused on like-minded managers and business owners interested in working with a strategic, trustworthy and long-term oriented partner to take their businesses to the next level.